We are subjected to all kinds of tests throughout our lifetime. Some are routine, but others are unavoidable, deeply personal tests: peer pressure, emotional suffering, financial upheaval, and temptation. With a fear of failure, we usually don’t consider these as positive experiences. However, with good preparation we can face self-examination confidently. “Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is … [Read more...] about Self-Examination: Are We in the Faith
Practical Christain Living
Remember when it seemed as if everyone was planning for the coming zombie apocalypse? It highlighted for me the fascination people have with the collapse of society and prepping for survival. There are serious prophecies about the dark days ahead for the world, but should we be focused on preparing physically? Prepping has, for some, become a false religion called “survivalism”. It’s fueled by apocalyptic movies, survivalist TV shows, and violent video games. These are especially … [Read more...] about Survivalism
Staying Awake
Are we awake spiritually? Or are we too caught up in our daily tasks? Let’s consider the periods of slumbering and awakening in our lives, and how we can learn to stay awake. God’s Holy Spirit is active, but our human spirit, the “spirit in man” (Job 32.8), which makes us each a unique individual, can slumber if we prevent God’s Spirit from working in us. Just like when we are driving along, mind wandering, and find that we’ve lost track of how we got to where we are, so a slumbering spirit … [Read more...] about Staying Awake
Sneaking Suspicion
It all started when Satan and his angelic followers allowed a sliver of suspicion to enter their minds. It ended in defiant rebellion against the family of God. Satan then planted the seed of suspicion that God was holding something back from Adam and Eve, leading them into disobedience. Cain became suspicious that God preferred Abel’s offering. His anger precipitated murder. Suspicion is a primal fear that someone will take what we think should be ours. And suspicious mistrust has challenged … [Read more...] about Sneaking Suspicion
A Lasting Reputation
It would be reasonable to assume that Jesus Christ, during His human life, was a man of good reputation. But this was not always the case. During Jesus Christ’s life He was considered a deceiver, a blasphemer, demonically possessed, and even Satan himself. A man of “no reputation,” no good reputation (Philippians 2:7). How can this be? How much it must have hurt to be falsely accused by the people He loved and for whom He was to give His life. Surely a good reputation is the primary goal of a … [Read more...] about A Lasting Reputation
The political discourse of this country and indeed, the globe, is gnashing, antagonistic and very personal. We see this erupting into brawls and looting, cruelty and even killings. That feeling of the breakdown of civilization is palpable and it is depressing to see videos on You Tube praising the smallest act of kindness. The sort of thing that we just think of as normal, how human beings should live. Suddenly it becomes a heroic video, and a lot of people are viewing it and being encouraged by … [Read more...] about Courtesy
Being Thankful to God Always
Thankfulness is a feeling of appreciation for favors or blessings, especially from God. About gratitude, God inspired these instructions: "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:6-7). In the world around us, people always seem to want more. But a spirit of gratitude while praying … [Read more...] about Being Thankful to God Always