After the Apostle Paul had received aid from the brethren in Philippi, he wrote and thanked them. His expression of love and care for them is instructive to us in our relationship with one another. He used the situation to instruct and encourage them in things pertaining to greater unity amongst themselves. Firstly, he is thoughtful of their needs and presents prayer to God on behalf of the congregation and specific individuals. His prayer style, in regard to the Church in Philippi, is … [Read more...] about The Philippian Formula
Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding
The Liberal Mind
From the Romans to the Biden era, the word “liberal” has taken on many meanings. It is one of those “it all depends” words. Yet, it has not always had a negative connotation as it does today in political/social circles. The cradle of its development, which impacts us today, was in 18th and 19th century Europe. It was a response to absolute monarchical rule. Liberal was the idea of individual freedom and liberty, through limiting the powers of government. Government was expected to protect … [Read more...] about The Liberal Mind
The Danger of Political Correctness
If Christ were to run for political office today, would He be elected? Hypothetically, we could reason and say, “Well He is honest in all His dealings, He is a hard worker, He is willing to help anyone, He sets the standard for moral uprightness, etc.” What is there not to like? By today’s standards, there is plenty. Jesus Christ was not “politically correct” — not by today’s view. He, with His supernatural and spiritual understanding, said things that illuminated the truth, things that went … [Read more...] about The Danger of Political Correctness
The Value of Scripture
Recently we have been trying to provide a balanced view towards the things that are happening in the world and all of the commentary that goes along with that. And the need to be looking into the word of God a great deal more than perhaps we have been doing. The words that proceed from the mouth of God are critically important; they are not abstract. Notice in Deuteronomy 30: “For this commandment which I command you today is not too mysterious for you, nor is it far off. It is not in … [Read more...] about The Value of Scripture
Our Life – A Means to the End
We know that our physical life is designed to end. So, it is helpful to realize that our physical lives are simply a means to an end. “Means” is the action or path one takes to reach a goal. “End” is the goal distinct from what one does to reach the goal. Understanding what these are and being able to distinguish which is the “means” and which is the “end” is important as it helps all of us reach our intended goal. But what is the goal of human physical life? What goal … [Read more...] about Our Life – A Means to the End
What is on Your Mind Today?
What tends to be on our minds at any given time is somewhat driven by the events in which we are engaged. This is one reason the regular study of God’s Word is essential. World events also play a major part in our thought processes. For example, this week we read of the European Commission President, Jean-Claude Junker, advocating a combined EU military force. In 2010, the then German Foreign Minister, Guido Westerwelle, had called for the creation of a European army so that in the long term … [Read more...] about What is on Your Mind Today?
The Age of Uncertainty
The Centennial Edition of the Foreign Affairs Journal was a very interesting edition. The cover was absolutely black. And down on the bottom in a smaller space there was an individual holding what looked like a lantern, but it was the globe of the earth, giving off a very faint light and showing up very dimly around the ground that this individual was standing on indicating of course not very much light in a very dark world. The title of this edition at the bottom, underneath all of this was … [Read more...] about The Age of Uncertainty