The Enlightenment, a movement in Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, promoted reason and reason alone as the method of obtaining truth. Nietzsche, a man famous for saying God is dead said, “The exemplary human being must craft his or her identity through self-realization and do so without relying on anything transcending that life such as God.” These ideas became embedded in society. We craft our identity through self-realization. Many of our social issues need to be evaluated … [Read more...] about The Collapse of Justice
Prophecy: Knowing the Future in Advance
When Paul began to address problems in the Church in Corinth, he clearly explained that the wisdom of God is a mystery, but that the things of God are revealed through His Holy Spirit. Christ addressed this stating that the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth and will tell us of things to come (John 16:13). Here we have a combination of truth and "things to come" as an aspect of the Holy Spirit. And Peter said that those who, upon repentance and baptism, were given the Holy … [Read more...] about Prophecy: Knowing the Future in Advance
The Power of a Common Enemy
In February 2022, China and Russia unveiled a plan for a new world order. A Washington Examiner article stated in October 2023, that “China and Russia have outlined a vision of international relations anchored in their potential to reinforce each other in disputes with the United States and its allies while cooperating on an array of economic and diplomatic fronts.” Moscow and Beijing could now develop into an integrated challenge to American power. The entire situation with Ukraine began … [Read more...] about The Power of a Common Enemy
Is the Web a Source of Wisdom?
We hear very little about wisdom today. Instead, we hear more and more about the importance of information — about the virtues of information and the benefits of increased information. “Big data” and “data mining” are the buzz words of the day. These are quite literally seen by humanity as their savior. But it is important to recognize that information, knowledge, and wisdom are not the same things. I want to lay out the building blocks first from a humanistic … [Read more...] about Is the Web a Source of Wisdom?
The Liberal Mind
From the Romans to the Biden era, the word “liberal” has taken on many meanings. It is one of those “it all depends” words. Yet, it has not always had a negative connotation as it does today in political/social circles. The cradle of its development, which impacts us today, was in 18th and 19th century Europe. It was a response to absolute monarchical rule. Liberal was the idea of individual freedom and liberty, through limiting the powers of government. Government was expected to protect … [Read more...] about The Liberal Mind
The Humanist Philosophy of Life
It would be no overstatement to say that one of this modern world’s most pervasive worldviews is that of humanism. The American Humanist Association defines humanism as “a progressive philosophy of life that, without supernaturalism, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment that aspire to the greater good of humanity.” As the term implies, humanism is the reliance upon the human self. When this is coupled with secularism then God is eliminated from … [Read more...] about The Humanist Philosophy of Life