Today, the entire world finds itself in a time of vast, uneasy change, where economic, social, political, and religious turmoil are the rule of the day not the exception. And now, we hear about the advent of AI. Our minds can only imagine how much that’s going to accelerate or increase what is already uneasy change. Already, the constant bombardment produces a toxic environment of unresolved stress. Unresolved stress leads to disconnected lives. Disconnected lives lead to helplessness. … [Read more...] about The Search for Relevance
Decision Making
The Bible is One Book
Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, fact and value. And sadly today’s theology is based on metaphysics. That is man using his mind minus the Holy Spirit in trying to figure out who and what God is. Trying to figure out the supernatural by using human reason. It is the human mind without God’s Spirit trying to figure out God. So, for followers of Jesus Christ, it is … [Read more...] about The Bible is One Book
Surrendering the “Old Man”
God has given humanity a purpose, and He has provided us insight and a roadmap on how to accomplish His purpose for each of us. Simply put, we are to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ (Romans 8:29). Conformity is the act of matching attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors, in this case, to God the Father and Jesus Christ. You are to “…put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, 23and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, 24 … [Read more...] about Surrendering the “Old Man”
Avoiding Simple-Mindedness
I want to begin with a clearer understanding of simple-mindedness with a quote from Signs of Being Simple-Minded: "Understanding what it means to be simple-minded involves recognizing certain characteristics and their implications for how individuals perceive, process information, and interact with the world. While the term “simple-minded” can carry different connotations depending on context, it generally refers to a style of thinking characterized by a lack of complexity, or depth in one’s … [Read more...] about Avoiding Simple-Mindedness
Establishing Thoughts
A wonderful aspect of God’s creation is the human mind. Certainly man has a physical brain like animals, but the exceptionalism is in the fact that God has given man an additional spirit that animals do not have. This spiritual component empowers the brain to provide wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the physical environment in which man exists. In other words, an intellect -- the capacity for rational or intelligent thought. While this allows man to achieve unbelievable things, it also … [Read more...] about Establishing Thoughts
Is the Web a Source of Wisdom?
We hear very little about wisdom today. Instead, we hear more and more about the importance of information — about the virtues of information and the benefits of increased information. “Big data” and “data mining” are the buzz words of the day. These are quite literally seen by humanity as their savior. But it is important to recognize that information, knowledge, and wisdom are not the same things. I want to lay out the building blocks first from a humanistic … [Read more...] about Is the Web a Source of Wisdom?
What Makes a Hero?
The author of the book What Makes a Hero? The Surprising Science of Selflessness, Elizabeth Svoboda, writes in an article in the Washington Post: “[Heroes] flash into public view like signal flares, dazzling us with their courageous and selfless acts. “[Like] Wesley Autrey, who jumped onto New York City subway tracks to save a man from an oncoming train. Captain Chesley Sullenberger of US Airways, who landed his plane and passengers safely on New York's Hudson River…Charles Ramsey, who … [Read more...] about What Makes a Hero?