Why unity? The idea of unity is a very important concept. Paul especially stresses the importance of unity to the Church in Ephesus: “I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, 2 with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, 3 endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; 5 … [Read more...] about 8 Hindrances of Unity
Valentine’s Day
The observance of Valentine’s Day is recognized as sort of a joyous celebration of love and romance, an opportunity to make somebody that is special to you feel special. It’s sort of a very nice idea and it’s become, as many of the hallmark holidays, sort of a very widely accepted ubiquitous global tradition. Endorsed by Christianity, endorsed by commerce and certainly by schoolteachers, it’s one of those holidays that everyone seems to participate in and there is a lot of social pressure to be … [Read more...] about Valentine’s Day
While It is Still Today
Sometimes I muse about what it would be like if we were no longer subject to time as we are now. Scripture says: “But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day” (2 Peter 3:8). This gives us a glimpse into how differently God views time than we do. The Bible Knowledge Commentary states the following concerning this verse: ““God counts time differently than does man. . . . People see time against time; … [Read more...] about While It is Still Today
Marriage, a Safe Haven
God instituted marriage and the family for procreation to teach us about how He lives. He wants mankind to know what motivates Him, what His purpose is for mankind, and how His nature and character developed in human beings would give families peaceful relationships. If mankind functioned in marriage the way God intended, this world would be a vastly different place. The dysfunctional families that are increasingly the norm would seldom exist. However today we see the removal of any … [Read more...] about Marriage, a Safe Haven
Where is AI Leading Us?
Artificial Intelligence is advancing at an exponential pace. AI’s processing power and programming algorithms are advancing incredibly rapidly and largely out of the sight of the general population. The limitations of power intensive hardware are being solved faster than alternative power sources can be developed. And AI is exhausting the supply of internet text used by programmers to teach it and is now training itself. In some functions, it is already better than human beings, and soon it … [Read more...] about Where is AI Leading Us?
A Silent Tragedy in How We Are Raising Our Children
There is a silent tragedy that is unfolding today in our homes and concerns our most precious jewels: our children. Our children are in a devastating emotional state. In the last 15 years, researchers have given us increasingly alarming statistics on a sharp and steady increase in childhood mental illness that is now reaching epidemic proportions: Statistics do not lie: What is happening and what are we doing wrong? Today’s children are being over-stimulated and over-gifted with … [Read more...] about A Silent Tragedy in How We Are Raising Our Children
Narcissism & Entitlement in Today’s Children
Victoria Prooday, OT finds today’s kids come to school emotionally unavailable for learning. There are many factors in our modern lifestyle that contribute to this. She writes: I am an occupational therapist with years of experience working with children, parents, and teachers. I completely agree with this teacher’s message that our children are getting worse and worse in many aspects. I hear the same consistent message from every teacher I meet. Clearly, throughout my time as an … [Read more...] about Narcissism & Entitlement in Today’s Children