The Bible offers tremendous details given to us by Moses about the construction of the tabernacle in the wilderness. Much detail is offered about Godâs Temple built by King Solomon and Ezekiel was inspired to record a detailed vision about the temple Christ will inhabit after He returns as King of Kings. Though there is no physical temple built prior to Christâs return, there is a spiritual temple being constructed right now. This spiritual temple is built on the foundation of the prophets … [Read more...] about A Holy Temple in the Lord
Conflict Resolution
We canât get around the fact that in this world weâll have conflict. How many times have we said the wrong thing or displayed the wrong attitude, knowing that it has caused offense? Conflict stems from a lack of understanding the different things that motivate each of us: âWhat causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you?â (James 4:1 ESV). Godâs Holy Spirit canât come to its fullest when weâre divided, and that disunity corrupts … [Read more...] about Conflict Resolution
Expressions of Tribalism
It is difficult to escape the feeling that our world is becoming more divided by the day. For example, we are hearing more about political identity. While it has been quite customary to identify with some political party in terms of general policy, the term has now developed a sharper edge. Amy Chua writing in The Guardian newspaper notes: âWhen groups feel threatened, they retreat into tribalism. When groups feel mistreated and disrespected, they close ranks and become more insular, more … [Read more...] about Expressions of Tribalism
Why Canât Man Govern Himself?
The Creator gave humanity a fantastic opportunity and a perfect environment after Satan's rebellious war had caused the earth to become without form and void. Satan, as Heylel, had rejected Godâs government and chaos and confusion was the result (Genesis 1:2). As God considered the creation of man in His image, He moved to clean up the earth to provide a âvery goodâ environment for man to live in. âYou sent forth Your Spirit, they are created; and You renew the face of the earthâ (Psalm … [Read more...] about Why Canât Man Govern Himself?
What is a Church?
What is a church? This seems like a simple enough question. A dictionary definition says it is a building used for public Christian worship. This is the traditional church on the corner concept. For most people, the concept of what a church is would be drawn from the culture they experienced growing up. For all of us our childhood experience as well as the media and pop culture play into the formation of our impressions. A little more obscure, but a powerful influence would be what people want … [Read more...] about What is a Church?
Psalm 133: The Dew of Hermon
Recently we discussed the concept of vertical unity. This is not a new or unique concept, but a way to picture the unity that flows from the Father, through His Son, and into the body. As each member of the body seeks to unify him or herself with God, that unity then allows the aligning of each member in relation to other members. As the Apostle John pointed out, âHe who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk just as He walkedâ (1 John 2:6). Unity is established vertically and is then … [Read more...] about Psalm 133: The Dew of Hermon
Godâs Law Builds Relationships
The law of God requires us to focus very heavily on relationships, our reconciled relationship with the Father dominating. However, from our close relationship with Him flows our relationship with other people. All people are created in the image of God and with the potential to be members of Godâs family. We should never lose that focus. Godâs law embraces our relationship with all people. A good example of this is in Leviticus 19 where several principles of how people should relate with each … [Read more...] about Godâs Law Builds Relationships