In an article dated September 21, 2018, titled “The Human League: What Separates Us from Other Animals?” the British Newspaper The Guardian states the following: "What a piece of work is a man! marvels Hamlet. How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty! … In action how like an angel! In apprehension how like a god! … The paragon of animals! Hamlet then ponders the paradox at the heart of humankind: what is this quintessence of dust? We are special, but we are … [Read more...] about Why Does Man Exist?
The Gospel: God’s Plan for Humanity
At a time when the world is experiencing so much anger, chaos, lawlessness, frustration and such a bleak future, God's overarching plan for humanity is more vital and critical for us to understand and apply individually than ever before. The Gospel is a message of hope and encouragement that highlights God’s love and mercy for everything He has created. It emphasizes His desire for the creation, the earth and all its inhabitants to dwell in peace and harmony with Him. It also highlights … [Read more...] about The Gospel: God’s Plan for Humanity
Is the Web a Source of Wisdom?
We hear very little about wisdom today. Instead, we hear more and more about the importance of information — about the virtues of information and the benefits of increased information. “Big data” and “data mining” are the buzz words of the day. These are quite literally seen by humanity as their savior. But it is important to recognize that information, knowledge, and wisdom are not the same things. I want to lay out the building blocks first from a humanistic … [Read more...] about Is the Web a Source of Wisdom?
Digital Distraction
If there has ever been a group of people that are called upon to use their minds, it is the people of God who have chosen to live His way of life. When I say, “use our minds”, I don’t mean human reasoning or logic; there is to be an emphasis on teaching, thinking, and understanding. Many religious systems are devised by men, who very often downplay teaching in favor of rituals. To them, rituals and traditions are what is most important. But true faith requires that we use our … [Read more...] about Digital Distraction
Does God plan our life in advance? Has God predetermined our future? One small step further in this relationship building is to understand better God’s personal plan for each of us. We need some context to set the groundwork to address these questions. There may be some knowledge that we need to unlearn. Two areas of context that are important in theology are the “fall of man" and the “original sin” as they are commonly believed today. The fall of man takes us back to the beginning in the … [Read more...] about Predestination
God’s Origin Story
The Judeo-Christian story, when understood and applied correctly, is not founded on the universe but on the One who created it and the purpose for which He created it. There are many man devised theories of origin of the universe such as the Chinese Pan Gu and the Egg of the World, the Greek’s Titans and Gods of Olympus, the story of the Iroquois’ Great Turtle Island and the Mayan’s Popol Vuh story, and lastly the Modern Scientific story call the Big History Project. However, God through Paul … [Read more...] about God’s Origin Story
Gnosticism: Why John Wrote 1 John
The New Testament Church began with a bang. We note in the book of Acts that one day 5,000 people were added to the church. Soon after another 3,000 were added. But over time, Satan’s influence sapped some of that initial “first love” that the Church had when it began. False teachers began to worm their way into the Church. We know this from Christ’s words regarding the Churches in Revelation, particularly the Church in Ephesus. It was significant enough for Christ to … [Read more...] about Gnosticism: Why John Wrote 1 John