As followers of Christ, we need to understand the true nature of God's governance within the God Family and to practice it correctly. We also need to define and develop an understanding of how God intends His 'shepherds' to nurture and feed Christ’s flock in accord with the spiritual nature of governance (1 Peter 5:1–4). The Apostle Peter, to whom Jesus said, “tend and feed my sheep,” teaches us to clothe ourselves with humility toward one another (1 Peter 5:5). Peter’s instruction reminds us … [Read more...] about The True Nature of God’s Governance
Single-Mindedness – A Key to Handling Trials
Some often feel that when a tragedy strikes that the people involved are the worse sinners on the planet. However, the bible teaches that time and chance can happen to us all. “There were present at that season some who told [Jesus] about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And Jesus answered and said to them, “Do you suppose that these Galileans were worse sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered such things? I tell you, no; but unless you … [Read more...] about Single-Mindedness – A Key to Handling Trials
Willing or Willful?
In his book written in 1637, entitled Discourse on the Method, René Descartes published a phrase in Latin that became one of the central tenets or teachings of Western philosophy. That phrase in Latin is cogito ergo sum. In English it is: I think, therefore I am. The main theme of the book addresses skepticism, a philosophical school of thought that questioned whether knowing something was “for sure” is possible. Everything is relative. Descartes refused to accept the authority of previous … [Read more...] about Willing or Willful?
A Story of New Beginnings
God uses a pattern of "new beginnings" throughout the Bible. These patterns reveal God's persistent love for mankind even when man is rejecting His way of life. In the beginning, "God saw all that he had made, and it was very good . . ." (Genesis 1:31 NIV). Gensis 1:27 says this included the creation of the first man and woman. From scripture we understand God’s purpose is to create a family, the God family beginning with Adam and Eve. Every physical thing that God created, … [Read more...] about A Story of New Beginnings
The Path From Belief to Conviction
The word “conviction” is a powerful word in our language. It conjures up ideas of not only a guilty verdict from a courtroom setting, but also a solid or firmly held belief, as in the idea that people should be convicted of what they believe. explains this word: “A conviction is something certain: a judgment of guilty in court and a strong belief are both convictions. In the legal world, when a judge or jury convicts someone of a crime — finding them guilty — … [Read more...] about The Path From Belief to Conviction
Examining Our Assumptions
In our relationships with each other, we tend to assume a certain reality that is quite different from the full truth of a matter. So, when misunderstandings occur, our assumptions have the potential of erecting barriers in our relationships without realizing it. This major barrier to proper relationships is our proclivity to make assumptions to “unchecked perceptions”, often leading us to jump to incorrect conclusions. It probably wouldn’t be a prolonged mental exercise to think about our … [Read more...] about Examining Our Assumptions
Training to Be Leaders
The early 1900’s was a heroic age of exploration. Limits were pushed on all fronts and among these was the British Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition led by Ernest Shackleton. From 1914 to 1916, the expedition was to cross Antarctica. They had priorities and a sense of urgency. Shackleton chose his team of twenty-seven officers, scientists, and seamen carefully, not hiding the danger, nor the glory if successful. After the Endurance was destroyed by winter’s ice in the Weddell Sea, … [Read more...] about Training to Be Leaders