Consider a lesson that the ancient Israelites as the wilderness congregation never learned. It is a lesson that’s so elemental and essential to God’s way of life that embracing this lesson ensures that the followers of Christ can avoid the failures that ancient Israel made. Simply put the lesson that we are to learn is obedience to God and His way to eternal Life. It is by following God’s principles that we will be able to develop eternal relationships with Him and others of like mind. From … [Read more...] about Lessons Leading to Life
Belief in Action
In the world of Psychology, a prominent figure, Doctor Jordan Peterson, has made quite a name for himself as an online influencer. Renowned for his insightful perspectives, he's gained recognition through his YouTube presence with classroom lectures, particularly those where he dissects classical tales. Notably, the timeless story of Pinocchio. You can really gain popularity debating on panels and in one-on-one news debates, notably regarding the compelled speech laws that they're passing in … [Read more...] about Belief in Action
The Age of Depravity
In observing developments and trends, I am always drawn to the state of the human mind. I am constantly amazed these days at what the human mind is capable of. On the one hand what the mind can achieve in the area of technology is almost beyond belief. But the area of the mind's activity that comes up more often these days is in the area of depravity. A secular definition of depravity is simply defined as “moral corruption and wickedness”. The Bible also emphasizes the aspect of … [Read more...] about The Age of Depravity
Rationalism Today
One important concept regarding the economic principles applied globally today was that it sprang from “hedonistic relativism” which is defined as “do what feels good now, for there is no God but ourselves, and tomorrow we die.” As ludicrous as this may sound, this is the prevailing attitude of the world today. Hedonistic relativism is a mixture of hedonism and relativism. They both end in the suffix “ism”. That suffix is derived from both Ancient Greek and Latin meaning “taking side with” or … [Read more...] about Rationalism Today
Leaven and Reconciliation
The original instructions given to ancient Israel regarding the first two Holy Days of the annual Holy Day cycle clearly emphasize the isolation of leaven. This applied to both the restriction of eating it and its removal from their dwellings (Exodus 12:15-20). The fact that the days of Unleavened Bread follow immediately after the Passover is important. Christ’s sacrifice paid the penalty for our sins and opened the way for us to come into a close, reconciled relationship with Christ and the … [Read more...] about Leaven and Reconciliation
Help My Unbelief
God’s people experience both faith and doubt in their journey through life. Maybe it’s not doubt to the level of denying God’s existence, but we can see many examples laid out for us in God’s word of both conditions of faith and doubt happening to godly people. Satan works tirelessly to sow seeds of doubt. Doubt is something that can grab us, and it can grow and fester. However, there are methods to help prevent doubt, or to overcome it, and to continue to grow in faith instead. There are … [Read more...] about Help My Unbelief
The Garden of Eden Prototype
When God created mankind there was a strong bond between the Creator and the Created. This bond extended to the rest of the earthly creation that God had made. Man was to work with the environment to subdue it and have dominion. In other words, he was to dress and keep it. God and man walked together, they talked together, and they worked together. All of those things are contained in the first chapters of Genesis. The Creator, Man, and the environment all worked … [Read more...] about The Garden of Eden Prototype