Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, fact and value. And sadly today’s theology is based on metaphysics. That is man using his mind minus the Holy Spirit in trying to figure out who and what God is. Trying to figure out the supernatural by using human reason. It is the human mind without God’s Spirit trying to figure out God. So, for followers of Jesus Christ, it is … [Read more...] about The Bible is One Book
Physical vs Spiritual
Why Does Man Exist?
In an article dated September 21, 2018, titled “The Human League: What Separates Us from Other Animals?” the British Newspaper The Guardian states the following: "What a piece of work is a man! marvels Hamlet. How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty! … In action how like an angel! In apprehension how like a god! … The paragon of animals! Hamlet then ponders the paradox at the heart of humankind: what is this quintessence of dust? We are special, but we are … [Read more...] about Why Does Man Exist?
Establishing Thoughts
A wonderful aspect of God’s creation is the human mind. Certainly man has a physical brain like animals, but the exceptionalism is in the fact that God has given man an additional spirit that animals do not have. This spiritual component empowers the brain to provide wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the physical environment in which man exists. In other words, an intellect -- the capacity for rational or intelligent thought. While this allows man to achieve unbelievable things, it also … [Read more...] about Establishing Thoughts
The Liberal Mind
From the Romans to the Biden era, the word “liberal” has taken on many meanings. It is one of those “it all depends” words. Yet, it has not always had a negative connotation as it does today in political/social circles. The cradle of its development, which impacts us today, was in 18th and 19th century Europe. It was a response to absolute monarchical rule. Liberal was the idea of individual freedom and liberty, through limiting the powers of government. Government was expected to protect … [Read more...] about The Liberal Mind
Our Life – A Means to the End
We know that our physical life is designed to end. So, it is helpful to realize that our physical lives are simply a means to an end. “Means” is the action or path one takes to reach a goal. “End” is the goal distinct from what one does to reach the goal. Understanding what these are and being able to distinguish which is the “means” and which is the “end” is important as it helps all of us reach our intended goal. But what is the goal of human physical life? What goal … [Read more...] about Our Life – A Means to the End
Single-Mindedness – A Key to Handling Trials
Some often feel that when a tragedy strikes that the people involved are the worse sinners on the planet. However, the bible teaches that time and chance can happen to us all. “There were present at that season some who told [Jesus] about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And Jesus answered and said to them, “Do you suppose that these Galileans were worse sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered such things? I tell you, no; but unless you … [Read more...] about Single-Mindedness – A Key to Handling Trials
Death and Beyond
While we all know something about living a physical life, it is important to gain an understanding of death and what is beyond. Paul's perspective in I Corinthians 15:19-26 is very enlightening: "If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable. But now Christ is risen from the dead and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since by man came death [through Adam], by Man [Christ] also came the resurrection of the dead. For as … [Read more...] about Death and Beyond