According to those who take the pulse of societal trends, many people admit to having no meaning in their lives. That seems to be a big factor behind a lot of the anti-social activity we see. They don’t know what their life is about. Religion, politics, and the culture at large fail to give any essential meaning to life. However, understanding the Book of Life mentioned throughout the Bible does enhance the relevance of our Christian lives. King David is one who … [Read more...] about The Book Of Life
Practical Christain Living
God’s Love Story
How would you describe the Word of God, the Bible? History? Knowledge? Information of a spiritual nature? Is it Prophecy? Is it About Law? Is it Stories about keeping or not keeping the Law? Is it a jigsaw puzzle? God’s Word contains all of these elements, but as a whole what does it all mean? What is the substance of the Word? In written form, it reads like a Love Story from beginning to end. It’s about The God family’s love for each other, for their … [Read more...] about God’s Love Story
What Makes a Hero?
The author of the book What Makes a Hero? The Surprising Science of Selflessness, Elizabeth Svoboda, writes in an article in the Washington Post: “[Heroes] flash into public view like signal flares, dazzling us with their courageous and selfless acts. “[Like] Wesley Autrey, who jumped onto New York City subway tracks to save a man from an oncoming train. Captain Chesley Sullenberger of US Airways, who landed his plane and passengers safely on New York's Hudson River…Charles Ramsey, who … [Read more...] about What Makes a Hero?
Emotions, + or -?
We all have emotions. God has emotions. Christ had emotions while on the earth as a human. Emotions are a natural part of the human psyche. A dictionary definition is a good place to begin in taking a look at the role emotions play in our lives – or put it another way, the place they should play in our lives. Emotions are “a complex experience of consciousness, bodily sensation, and behavior that reflects the personal significance of a thing, an event, or a state of affairs.” Of all the … [Read more...] about Emotions, + or -?
Anxiety and Broken Relationships
As we delve more into God’s law and its ultimate purpose of restoring broken relationships, first with the Father and secondly man to man, we begin to see that all healthy relationships are based on love that begins with the Father (I John 4:16-19). Godly love (agape) is an outgoing concern away from self. The more we are motivated by a Godly love – God actively working through us – the less we are concerned about ourselves. When Godly love is absent then the void is filled with its … [Read more...] about Anxiety and Broken Relationships
Reality Bites
“To the woman he said, ‘I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Your desire shall be contrary to your husband, but he shall rule over you.’ And to Adam he said, ‘Because you have listened to the voice of your wife and have eaten of the tree of which I commanded you, ‘You shall not eat of it,’ cursed is the ground because of you; in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life; thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you; and you … [Read more...] about Reality Bites
The 3 D’s of Satan’s Toolbox
I want to identify and explore three points of weakness that Satan can and will use to his advantage to manipulate followers of Christ to sin and to look at some ways we can counter his manipulation and strengthen these areas. These three points, I call “The 3 D’s of Satan’s Toolbox.” The first of these is doubt. Doubt is something that comes quite naturally to the human mind. I know this because every time I play golf, I doubt that I will do well. But in this current age we find … [Read more...] about The 3 D’s of Satan’s Toolbox