The command to praise God and Jesus Christ can bring into question the what, why and how to. Those called out of the world as God’s people are to proclaim the praises of God the Father, and by extension Jesus Christ: “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; (1 Peter 2:9). The Greek word for “praises” in 1 Peter 2:9 means virtues, or … [Read more...] about Gratitude, A Life Altering Virtue
Practical Christain Living
Why Does Man Exist?
In an article dated September 21, 2018, titled “The Human League: What Separates Us from Other Animals?” the British Newspaper The Guardian states the following: "What a piece of work is a man! marvels Hamlet. How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty! … In action how like an angel! In apprehension how like a god! … The paragon of animals! Hamlet then ponders the paradox at the heart of humankind: what is this quintessence of dust? We are special, but we are … [Read more...] about Why Does Man Exist?
God’s Law Has Consequences
Processing the unfolding events – both worldwide and locally i difficult. By processing, I mean taking the individual components and analyzing them to reach a wise conclusion. It is important that people use a “sound mind” to assess the developments around us which impact us by degrees. We would also do well to keep in mind that God’s law has consequences. Those consequences can be good or bad depending on whether the law is applied or rejected. Sin is the cause of our current crisis and … [Read more...] about God’s Law Has Consequences
Purpose of the Law
"Where there is no vision, the people perish" (Proverbs 29:18 KJV). The word “vision” in this scripture is used in a prophetic sense, a revealed understanding of a future reality. It says that if we lack a purpose and a clear direction of where we are going and how to get there, we are not going to "get there". Knowing where we are going and our purpose, our intent, is extremely important. God gives humanity a purpose, a destination, and He gives us a way to get there. The Bible is a complete … [Read more...] about Purpose of the Law
Unequitable Trading
Coronavirus fears caused global panic. The financial institutions, speculative markets, manufacturing, retail outlets, travel, supply chains — pretty much anything that is the basis of our modern economy and trading infrastructure were affected. It can’t help but remind us of the volatility and complexities of this world’s forms of trade. Trade is such a foundational part of how any society operates and, by extension, how each of us operates. Whether we like it or not, nearly … [Read more...] about Unequitable Trading
Are You an Unwilling Mustang?
I adopted a mustang from the high desert wilderness in Nevada. He’s a good boy. He has good strong legs. He likes to run and he is affectionate. I can generally make him do what I want him to do. We’ve had our differences. We’ve both had our spills, but I like him. The problem is this horse doesn’t focus. He doesn’t really trust me and so he isn’t really with me when we are working together. If I put a bridle on him, I can make him do mostly what I want him to do. But his … [Read more...] about Are You an Unwilling Mustang?
Lessons Leading to Life
Consider a lesson that the ancient Israelites as the wilderness congregation never learned. It is a lesson that’s so elemental and essential to God’s way of life that embracing this lesson ensures that the followers of Christ can avoid the failures that ancient Israel made. Simply put the lesson that we are to learn is obedience to God and His way to eternal Life. It is by following God’s principles that we will be able to develop eternal relationships with Him and others of like mind. From … [Read more...] about Lessons Leading to Life