The truth will set you free! This is a much-used phrase. You find it in Martin Luther King’s speeches, inscribed on the headquarters wall of the CIA, and it was used in one of the most recent Marvel movie franchises. I would suggest that this scripture should not be read as superficially. We often hear it used in the sense that knowledge is power, or we can set somebody loose from their bondage if we can enlighten them of their false notions and correct them. … [Read more...] about The Truth Will Set You Free?
One Mind
The Bible is One Book
Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, fact and value. And sadly today’s theology is based on metaphysics. That is man using his mind minus the Holy Spirit in trying to figure out who and what God is. Trying to figure out the supernatural by using human reason. It is the human mind without God’s Spirit trying to figure out God. So, for followers of Jesus Christ, it is … [Read more...] about The Bible is One Book
Politics During Jesus’ Time
How should we respond to the politics that invade our daily lives in the news, workplace, school and from so many social media platforms? According to Wikipedia which often conveys modern thought regarding a subject: “Politics (from the Greek word, politiká, meaning 'affairs of the cities') is the set of activities that are associated with making decisions in groups, or other forms of power relations between individuals, such as the distribution of resources." This is a well-thought-out … [Read more...] about Politics During Jesus’ Time
The True Nature of Leadership
I think we can say factually that we are in a crisis of leadership in this country and the world. It is not just political government. Leadership is also suffering in education, business, city governments, families and in the Churches. Today I want to take a practical look at this issue of leadership. It’s not so much a discussion of leadership principles but more about the whole concept of leadership, the nature of leadership. First, I want to look at leadership from a worldly … [Read more...] about The True Nature of Leadership
An Important Quality in Marriage
This year my husband and I celebrated sixty-one years of marriage. You might ask what I think is one of the most important qualities needed to keep a marriage strong and intact through the years. I have given a lot of thought on how to answer this for my own children and grandchildren. I hope I can pass on some lessons I have learned in my own marriage that may be of benefit to them and to others: It is good to have other friends, but if you spend too much time with others, you take the … [Read more...] about An Important Quality in Marriage