Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, fact and value. And sadly today’s theology is based on metaphysics. That is man using his mind minus the Holy Spirit in trying to figure out who and what God is. Trying to figure out the supernatural by using human reason. It is the human mind without God’s Spirit trying to figure out God. So, for followers of Jesus Christ, it is … [Read more...] about The Bible is One Book
Living by the Word
What Filtration System are We Using?
I was recently given the opportunity to visit some data centers which house computer equipment capable of generating a lot of information. These newest generation of data centers will house AI, artificial intelligence. Server based computer equipment is pretty smart. The amount of information that they will generate dwarfs today's traditional data centers by leaps and bounds, and companies are looking to be a part of this rather large trend that's developing around the world. It's really … [Read more...] about What Filtration System are We Using?
God’s Law Has Consequences
Processing the unfolding events – both worldwide and locally i difficult. By processing, I mean taking the individual components and analyzing them to reach a wise conclusion. It is important that people use a “sound mind” to assess the developments around us which impact us by degrees. We would also do well to keep in mind that God’s law has consequences. Those consequences can be good or bad depending on whether the law is applied or rejected. Sin is the cause of our current crisis and … [Read more...] about God’s Law Has Consequences
Lessons Leading to Life
Consider a lesson that the ancient Israelites as the wilderness congregation never learned. It is a lesson that’s so elemental and essential to God’s way of life that embracing this lesson ensures that the followers of Christ can avoid the failures that ancient Israel made. Simply put the lesson that we are to learn is obedience to God and His way to eternal Life. It is by following God’s principles that we will be able to develop eternal relationships with Him and others of like mind. From … [Read more...] about Lessons Leading to Life
The Age of Depravity
In observing developments and trends, I am always drawn to the state of the human mind. I am constantly amazed these days at what the human mind is capable of. On the one hand what the mind can achieve in the area of technology is almost beyond belief. But the area of the mind's activity that comes up more often these days is in the area of depravity. A secular definition of depravity is simply defined as “moral corruption and wickedness”. The Bible also emphasizes the aspect of … [Read more...] about The Age of Depravity
Establishing Thoughts
A wonderful aspect of God’s creation is the human mind. Certainly man has a physical brain like animals, but the exceptionalism is in the fact that God has given man an additional spirit that animals do not have. This spiritual component empowers the brain to provide wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the physical environment in which man exists. In other words, an intellect -- the capacity for rational or intelligent thought. While this allows man to achieve unbelievable things, it also … [Read more...] about Establishing Thoughts
An End Time Indicator
In Matthew 24:12, the context of a statement by Christ is the time indicating Christ’s coming and the end of the age. There are two points that immediately stand out with this statement. First, we can know as a fact that lawlessness will increase. Second, love will grow cold as a result. We can easily acknowledge the first by observation of the world around us. That lawlessness is increasing is an absolute fact. Lawlessness is defined as, “illegality, that is, violation of law or … [Read more...] about An End Time Indicator