When you think about it, the Israelites went through an intense program of redirecting their entire lives through the events of their exodus from Egypt. After a lengthy period of living in Egypt they went from “the people multiplied and grew very mighty” to “the Egyptians made the children of Israel serve with rigor.” The bondage of Egypt was mind destroying – at least as far as knowledge of God and His way was concerned. Did God cause this grievous situation of slavery to make a point for … [Read more...] about The Red Sea and Beyond
Deleavening — Physical and Spiritual
It is interesting to note how often God uses physical things to teach us spiritual lessons. In the Passover ceremony, we eat bread and drink a small amount of wine—real, physical bread and wine. These are consumed as symbols pointing us toward one of the most profound spiritual truths in the Bible—the fact that Christ died for our sins. Unleavened Bread is a whole week of being reminded of spiritual principles through physical actions. During the Feast of Tabernacles, we live (physically) in … [Read more...] about Deleavening — Physical and Spiritual
Character Is All That’s Left
It’s worth taking some time to look at what we know about the creation and what the Bible tells us about where it’s going. What really is real and what is not. What is lasting and what is temporary. In the beginning God created a physical infrastructure in order to create a family in His image and likeness. That creation is 13.8 billion years old, and two of the four main forces at work are gravity and electromagnetism. Gravity is very weak and needs a lot of mass, rocks, molten iron, etc., … [Read more...] about Character Is All That’s Left
Perspectives from the Prodigal Son
We are familiar with the biblical story of the prodigal son. The story resonates with many due to the emotional reunion of a wayward son and his patient and merciful father. It is a story we can all relate to naturally because, like the son, we have all made our share of mistakes and decisions we wish we had never made – with the associated regret. We may yearn for redemption from the consequences of past actions, but do not know the way. This world is not good at forgiving and forgetting. But … [Read more...] about Perspectives from the Prodigal Son
Viewpoints from the Prodigal Son
The parable of the prodigal son, which is found in only one gospel account (Luke 15), appears to be a simple story of redemption. After a son wastes his inheritance and finds himself in a hopeless, oppressive situation, he comes to himself, returns to his father, and enjoys a joyous reception. The parable acquired its name from the one son who fell into extravagant and reckless, or “prodigal”, living. There are important lessons to be learned when we view the parable from a certain … [Read more...] about Viewpoints from the Prodigal Son
The Importance of Godly Respect
Job made an interesting observation when he was answering his friends’ accusations as to why so many bad things had happened to him: “A lamp is despised to the thought of one who is at ease; it is made ready for those whose feet slip” (Job 12:5). While the structure of this verse might at first appear confusing, it is simply warning of the dangers of being “at ease.” It is a mental/spiritual condition of being self-satisfied. The connection between being at ease and feet slipping is made in … [Read more...] about The Importance of Godly Respect
The Family
In May of 1992, former US President George Bush Sr. shared with the nation a firmly held belief: “Government cannot solve all the problems. We may be able to make good laws, but it’s never been able to make good men. That doesn’t come from Big Brother. It comes from your family. It comes from your mother and father. And I’m talking about the moral sense that must guide us all. In the simplest terms, I’m talking about knowing what’s wrong and doing what’s right.” What the former president … [Read more...] about The Family