Some often feel that when a tragedy strikes that the people involved are the worse sinners on the planet. However, the bible teaches that time and chance can happen to us all. “There were present at that season some who told [Jesus] about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And Jesus answered and said to them, “Do you suppose that these Galileans were worse sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered such things? I tell you, no; but unless you … [Read more...] about Single-Mindedness – A Key to Handling Trials
The Government of God
The Kingdom of God is ruled solely by the government of God and has a direct bearing on the developing Plan of Salvation for mankind. Due to the rejection of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden, man took to himself the right to decide what was right and what was wrong. This has led to the development of erroneous perspectives on government and the use of authority, along with many other aspects of life. Human nature does not want to submit to God’s authority, so wrong concepts of government … [Read more...] about The Government of God
The Nature of Peace
This world does not reflect the nature of a loving God. The relationship between the Creator and His creation has been broken. However, this condition has a limited allotment of time before God moves to restore all things to Himself. Everything seen and unseen was created for a purpose and existed under the loving care and direction of God. But peace in the creation was destroyed through angelic rebellion which has led to a state of hostility toward God and toward other peoples and … [Read more...] about The Nature of Peace
Life After Death
The concepts of heaven and hell require that a person lives in some form after death. You don’t really die. Both heaven and hell are places where people live for eternity. If you wanted an expert in the field of going to heaven, I doubt you could do better than Billy Graham. He says: “Heaven for the Christian will be a place of glorious life that will never end. Joy inexpressible, limitless peace, pure love, beauty beyond description – that’s what heaven is. Greatest of all … [Read more...] about Life After Death
Confidence, Esteem and Self-Image
How a person envisions or defines himself is one of the most influential facets of a person's world view and his place in it. This image is intertwined with his confidence which enables him to face adversity, meet challenges, and focus on threats unfettered by the shackles of fear. If one does not have a proper image or vision of his place in life, his confidence suffers along with his ability to cope with life. The result is fear or anxiety. People can become more depressive or aggressive … [Read more...] about Confidence, Esteem and Self-Image
Judgment on the Nations
When people remove God from the equation of life, Satan will fill the vacuum. If God is backed out of the picture, then Satan’s attitude is allowed to move in and become a little more dominant. When people in positions of leadership in this world back God out of the picture, the space is filled with self-determination. The emphasis comes back on man. When self-determination becomes the dominant factor, pride very quickly rises to the surface. The word pride here simply means exaltation, to … [Read more...] about Judgment on the Nations
Willing or Willful?
In his book written in 1637, entitled Discourse on the Method, René Descartes published a phrase in Latin that became one of the central tenets or teachings of Western philosophy. That phrase in Latin is cogito ergo sum. In English it is: I think, therefore I am. The main theme of the book addresses skepticism, a philosophical school of thought that questioned whether knowing something was “for sure” is possible. Everything is relative. Descartes refused to accept the authority of previous … [Read more...] about Willing or Willful?