The subject of authority is a difficult one because of the many negative applications we see around us. It’s primary association with power, clashes with the natural human desire for autonomy. In our present day, the subject of authority is often confused with authoritarianism and the abuse of power, which creates a negative perception. Authority is a vital ingredient for godly living, and it is therefore important for us to be clear minded about what it is and what it is not. … [Read more...] about Misunderstood Authority?
Pride vs Humility
Humility is not one the fruits of God’s Holy Spirit but it is an integral part – the soil – of the process that produces the fruit. Christ said that we should produce fruit: "You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you" (John 15.16). "He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk … [Read more...] about Pride vs Humility
Jacob’s Trouble
Jacob was the son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham. After God changed Jacob’s name to Israel, the descendants of Jacob’s 12 sons became the biblical nation of ancient Israel. God made specific promises to the people of Israel in terms of their behavior: Blessings for obedience, but if Israel failed to obey God, then the status of power and wealth God promised to bless them with would be removed. In Deuteronomy there is a beautiful description of what God promised He would do for … [Read more...] about Jacob’s Trouble
Reconciliation with God
Man was created to have a relationship with his Creator. The Father desires to have and is in the process of creating an eternal spiritual family. Mankind was created just for that purpose with Jesus Christ as the captain and author of eternal salvation: "But one testified in a certain place, saying: 'What is man that You are mindful of him, Or the son of man that You take care of him? You have made him a little lower than the angels; You have crowned him with glory and honor, And set him … [Read more...] about Reconciliation with God
Healthy Attitudes
I want to look at the concept of attitude and see just what kind of potent force it is. An attitude is a manner of acting, feeling or thinking that reveals one’s disposition, opinion, and overall mindset. One’s attitude is a mental disposition. How we are inside. Our approach to life. It’s the way we view the world in general terms and how we look at other individuals. A good attitude means different things in different circumstances. Generally, it signifies an approach … [Read more...] about Healthy Attitudes
The Purpose of Righteousness
Even within Christian churches that look fairly homogeneous doctrinally-speaking, we can find diverse attitudes. For example, there are currents of more liberal or fundamentalist approaches to religious practice. One such current that can be problematic within churches is self-rightness. I don’t mean the arrogant presumption that one is perfect. I mean the tendency to let “righteousness” become an idol. It’s an easy trap for any of us to fall into so we need to examine our motives … [Read more...] about The Purpose of Righteousness
Caring for our Elderly
Sometimes we face tough decisions when our elderly loved ones need more help in their personal environment and with their overall health assessments. This can be especially difficult when they live a long distance from the family. Hazel Bridges is the creator of, a website that aims to provide health and wellness resources for aging seniors. She’s a breast cancer survivor. She challenges herself to live life to the fullest and inspire others to do so as well. Below are some … [Read more...] about Caring for our Elderly