Today, the entire world finds itself in a time of vast, uneasy change, where economic, social, political, and religious turmoil are the rule of the day not the exception. And now, we hear about the advent of AI. Our minds can only imagine how much that’s going to accelerate or increase what is already uneasy change. Already, the constant bombardment produces a toxic environment of unresolved stress. Unresolved stress leads to disconnected lives. Disconnected lives lead to helplessness. … [Read more...] about The Search for Significance
Conditioning the Human Heart
The human heart is something we frequently discuss because there is so much we need to learn and to overcome about ourselves. The heart in this context is a term that simply means what is at the center of a person, who we are, what motivates us and what drives the conditions of our relationships with one another. The spirit in man was given to humans by God enabling them to think and reason and therefore have dominion over the rest of creation (Job 32:8). It also enables a human mind to hurt, … [Read more...] about Conditioning the Human Heart
The True Nature of Leadership
I think we can say factually that we are in a crisis of leadership in this country and the world. It is not just political government. Leadership is also suffering in education, business, city governments, families and in the Churches. Today I want to take a practical look at this issue of leadership. It’s not so much a discussion of leadership principles but more about the whole concept of leadership, the nature of leadership. First, I want to look at leadership from a worldly … [Read more...] about The True Nature of Leadership
Are Acts of Violence God’s Judgement?
Judgement is a subject that raises many issues among God’s people because, on the one hand, we are to make judgements and on the other hand, we are not to judge. Sometimes it’s a struggle to get the balance between those two. But God has given humanity the ability to make sound and reasonable decisions, to evaluate and to form conclusions. The apostle Paul states this: “Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unrighteous, and not before the … [Read more...] about Are Acts of Violence God’s Judgement?
The Spirit in Man
Humanity has devise many ways to replace their Creator. In ancient times, they did it through the creation of idols made of wood and stone. They created elaborate stories around these idols that “explained” how the creation worked and functioned. Today, man uses astrophysics to explain how the universe, solar system and earth came to be. He uses evolution to understand how life came to be on the earth and eventually exists as it does today. In conjunction with evolution, man studies genetics in … [Read more...] about The Spirit in Man
God Is with His People
One way that we can make sense of the Church today is to look at the blueprint of how God built up a people to be His people. Since Christ doesn’t change, His consistency will be evident in how He dealt with ancient Israel and how He deals with the Church today. As Moses prepared the children of Israel to enter the land of Canaan, he wrote the words of the law in a book and placed that book in the Ark of the Covenant. Then God through Moses addressed the people of Israel … [Read more...] about God Is with His People
Does God plan our life in advance? Has God predetermined our future? One small step further in this relationship building is to understand better God’s personal plan for each of us. We need some context to set the groundwork to address these questions. There may be some knowledge that we need to unlearn. Two areas of context that are important in theology are the “fall of man" and the “original sin” as they are commonly believed today. The fall of man takes us back to the beginning in the … [Read more...] about Predestination