Many have experienced a variety of approaches to Church government at the human level. A widely accepted government in the Churches was a more autocratic, authoritarian style. It was government from the top-down, investing a large amount of authority in the one at the top. Eventually this led to a more “lordship” style of leadership within the Church. It was not an altogether illogical deduction from a human point of view. God’s governance is from the top down. It flows from the Father to His … [Read more...] about Godly Church Governance
Avoiding Simple-Mindedness
I want to begin with a clearer understanding of simple-mindedness with a quote from Signs of Being Simple-Minded: "Understanding what it means to be simple-minded involves recognizing certain characteristics and their implications for how individuals perceive, process information, and interact with the world. While the term “simple-minded” can carry different connotations depending on context, it generally refers to a style of thinking characterized by a lack of complexity, or depth in one’s … [Read more...] about Avoiding Simple-Mindedness
The Image of Jesus Christ
"Where there is no vision, the people perish" (Proverbs 29:18 KJV). The word “vision” in this scripture is used in a prophetic sense, a revealed understanding of a future reality. It says that if we lack a purpose and a clear direction of where we are going and how to get there, we are not going to "get there". Knowing where we are going and our purpose, our intent, is extremely important. God gives humanity a purpose, a destination, and He gives us a way to get there. The Bible is a complete … [Read more...] about The Image of Jesus Christ
What Is the Kingdom of God?
What is the Kingdom of God? I don’t think we can overstate the importance of the answer to the question. There are so many theories out there about different systems of belief including different definitions of the Kingdom of God. We need to think about the end result of what those beliefs produce and about what the implications of their version of reality are. The idea of the Kingdom of God was clearly central to Christ’s ministry making it a fundamental premise of our hope, of our purpose, … [Read more...] about What Is the Kingdom of God?
A Biblical View of Aging
Do you realize that the only time in our lives when we look forward to being old is when we are kids? George Carlin, a famous comedian, made that observation in one of his monologues. Here is a short version of it: Views on Aging by George Carlin "Do you realize that the only time in our lives when we like to get old is when we're kids? If you're less than 10 years old, you're so excited about aging that you think in fractions. “How old are you? I'm four and a half!” You're never … [Read more...] about A Biblical View of Aging
Laodicea – A Warning
After the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC, the Greek Empire stretching 3,000 miles from Macedonia to the Punjab, was divided into 4 unstable powers under 4 warring, ambitious marshals. Asia Minor and Macedonia were under Lysimachus, Egypt and southern Syria under Ptolemy, and Greece under Cassander, and Asia and northern Syria under Seleucus. Hence, in Daniel 11, the description of Ptolemy as the king of the South and Seleucus as the king of the North. Seleucus established a dynasty of … [Read more...] about Laodicea – A Warning
A Form of Godliness
The Apostle Paul wrote to the young pastor Timothy to help and encourage him at a time when the Church was experiencing internal pressure from false teachers. He encourages Timothy to, “Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Jesus Christ” (2 Timothy 1:13). Paul identified certain conditions that he saw as being challenges that the Church would have to deal with in the days preceding Christ’s return. Whatever the time frame for this … [Read more...] about A Form of Godliness