In a recently released survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, people who claimed to have no religious affiliation were asked what it means to be a moral person. For this group, the top answer was honesty – to be honest at all times. Given the group involved, this is an interesting response. What do non-religious people mean by honesty? The bible informs us that when people are separated from God by iniquity the mind lacks this moral quality. “No one calls for justice. Nor does any plead … [Read more...] about Honesty Begins with Self
America’s Internet Surrender
The United States Department of Commerce (DoC) dropped a bombshell when it said they would be relinquishing control over the administration of the Internet, handing over responsibility to some yet-to-be-defined global entity. Immediately political leaders and commentators began talking about the serious ramifications of such a move. To understand what is at stake, it is important to know something about the history of the Internet. Developed nearly 50 years ago, the Internet is generally … [Read more...] about America’s Internet Surrender
Developing a True Perspective
Perspective is a remarkable thing. It defines what an artist does when giving proper height, width, depth and position to various objects or scenes when viewed from a particular vantage point. The viewer sees the objects and scenes as if they would appear in nature - no distortions. What really makes perspective interesting, however, is that it has an obvious spiritual application as well. In a sense, it makes an artist of each of us. We each draw conclusions in our minds' eye regarding … [Read more...] about Developing a True Perspective
How Do We Use Authority?
When we consider biblical authority and how we should use authority, do we consider it from man’s perspective or God's perspective? The disciples came to Christ and asked Him a basic question, who would have the preeminent position – to sit at his right and left hand (Matthew 20:21-27). Sitting at the King’s right and left hand by its very definition implies position, power and the ability to exercise authority – which in human terms implies the ability to control others. Christ’s response to … [Read more...] about How Do We Use Authority?
The Importance of Godly Respect
Job made an interesting observation when he was answering his friends’ accusations as to why so many bad things had happened to him: “A lamp is despised to the thought of one who is at ease; it is made ready for those whose feet slip” (Job 12:5). While the structure of this verse might at first appear confusing, it is simply warning of the dangers of being “at ease.” It is a mental/spiritual condition of being self-satisfied. The connection between being at ease and feet slipping is made in … [Read more...] about The Importance of Godly Respect
As A Little Child
In a family relationship, children play an important role and help contextualize the meaning of God’s government in the realm of human beings. We all understand, academically, that we are children of God, but adults think, reason, and act differently than children do. This is the natural progression of maturity. As adults, molded by the realities of life, we tend to value reason and self-reliance. We can also complicate things that are inherently simple, questioning what we see and hear, and … [Read more...] about As A Little Child
Crucible Experiences
The Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy near the end of his life and said, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7). Once Paul had been called into a relationship with the Father, he had to endure all manner of difficulty and trials. He chronicles some of the difficulties he encountered in the letter he wrote to the brethren at Corinth (2 Corinthians 11:23-28). While most of us have never been beaten with whips and rods, shipwrecked, or … [Read more...] about Crucible Experiences