"Where there is no vision, the people perish" (Proverbs 29:18 KJV). The word “vision” in this scripture is used in a prophetic sense, a revealed understanding of a future reality. It says that if we lack a purpose and a clear direction of where we are going and how to get there, we are not going to "get there". Knowing where we are going and our purpose, our intent, is extremely important. God gives humanity a purpose, a destination, and He gives us a way to get there. The Bible is a complete … [Read more...] about Purpose of the Law
Jesus Christ
Pentecost, the Spiritual Connection
There are many things that we can learn and understand in our walk with God when we observe God’s walk with the nation of ancient Israel. There’s much about the nation of Israel that sets a pattern for us to learn from. By covenant, they became a called-out people who were destined to live according to the will of God as expressed by His law. The feature of the special relationship was the fact that God would dwell among them: “And let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among … [Read more...] about Pentecost, the Spiritual Connection
Leaven and Reconciliation
The original instructions given to ancient Israel regarding the first two Holy Days of the annual Holy Day cycle clearly emphasize the isolation of leaven. This applied to both the restriction of eating it and its removal from their dwellings (Exodus 12:15-20). The fact that the days of Unleavened Bread follow immediately after the Passover is important. Christ’s sacrifice paid the penalty for our sins and opened the way for us to come into a close, reconciled relationship with Christ and the … [Read more...] about Leaven and Reconciliation
Time of Christ’s Death and Resurrection
We know that the Biblical details of Christ’s death and resurrection are central components of the gospel message. The early New Testament Church kept the Passover as a remembrance of Christ's death. The details surrounding His death and resurrection are also an anchor of our faith. To rehearse some of the timing around the events of the week of Christ's crucifixion and resurrection, we need to begin with statements Christ gave us and the prophecies in the Old Testament that say He would be … [Read more...] about Time of Christ’s Death and Resurrection
The Garden of Eden Prototype
When God created mankind there was a strong bond between the Creator and the Created. This bond extended to the rest of the earthly creation that God had made. Man was to work with the environment to subdue it and have dominion. In other words, he was to dress and keep it. God and man walked together, they talked together, and they worked together. All of those things are contained in the first chapters of Genesis. The Creator, Man, and the environment all worked … [Read more...] about The Garden of Eden Prototype
The True Nature of Leadership
I think we can say factually that we are in a crisis of leadership in this country and the world. It is not just political government. Leadership is also suffering in education, business, city governments, families and in the Churches. Today I want to take a practical look at this issue of leadership. It’s not so much a discussion of leadership principles but more about the whole concept of leadership, the nature of leadership. First, I want to look at leadership from a worldly … [Read more...] about The True Nature of Leadership
Godly Justice
Administering justice is a major theme of the Bible. King David administered justice to all his people (2 Samuel 8:15). Indeed, God expects His people to administer justice: "Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world will be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Do you not know that we shall judge angels? How much more, things that pertain to this life?" (1 Corinthians 6.2-3). So that is the question: Do you and I practice justice … [Read more...] about Godly Justice