Victoria Prooday, OT finds today’s kids come to school emotionally unavailable for learning. There are many factors in our modern lifestyle that contribute to this. She writes: I am an occupational therapist with years of experience working with children, parents, and teachers. I completely agree with this teacher’s message that our children are getting worse and worse in many aspects. I hear the same consistent message from every teacher I meet. Clearly, throughout my time as an … [Read more...] about Narcissism & Entitlement in Today’s Children
Handling Conflict
We all deal with conflict daily, in many forms. Even the church has conflict, internal and external, from time to time. With the Bible as our guide, which biblical examples can teach us about a specific quality that foils conflict? Where does this quality come from? What does it lead to? Let’s consider Gideon’s example to identify this quality. Chosen by God as a judge of Israel he was assigned to defeat a threat from neighboring Midian (Judges 6:1-8:21). He assembled an army of 32,000, but … [Read more...] about Handling Conflict
Time and Chance Happens to All
Solomon addresses an issue that causes a great deal of perplexity to people because he’s made this statement that the righteous and wise and their works are in the hand of God (Ecclesiastes 9:1). At first that sounds like a great place to be. Then he says: “All things come alike to all: One event happens to the righteous and the wicked; To the good, the clean, and the unclean; To him who sacrifices and him who does not sacrifice. As is the good, so is the sinner; He who takes an oath as he who … [Read more...] about Time and Chance Happens to All
Anxiety and Broken Relationships
As we delve more into God’s law and its ultimate purpose of restoring broken relationships, first with the Father and secondly man to man, we begin to see that all healthy relationships are based on love that begins with the Father (I John 4:16-19). Godly love (agape) is an outgoing concern away from self. The more we are motivated by a Godly love – God actively working through us – the less we are concerned about ourselves. When Godly love is absent then the void is filled with its … [Read more...] about Anxiety and Broken Relationships
The Danger of Political Correctness
If Christ were to run for political office today, would He be elected? Hypothetically, we could reason and say, “Well He is honest in all His dealings, He is a hard worker, He is willing to help anyone, He sets the standard for moral uprightness, etc.” What is there not to like? By today’s standards, there is plenty. Jesus Christ was not “politically correct” — not by today’s view. He, with His supernatural and spiritual understanding, said things that illuminated the truth, things that went … [Read more...] about The Danger of Political Correctness
By Your Patience Possess Your Souls
In Luke 21 Christ is talking to His disciples who have asked Him what the sign will be that "these things" are about to take place. The time of the end is the context: Nations are rising up against nations, kingdom against kingdom. There are famines, pestilences and great earthquakes in various places. As we go further away from these beginning signs which we can observe today it’s going to get more difficult for God’s people as the end times draw nearer. It becomes more intensely … [Read more...] about By Your Patience Possess Your Souls
Overcome Evil With Good
Life’s difficulties, as many have experienced, arise from various possible angles. Sometimes we cause our own difficulties through poor decisions. However, trials also come through other people. Not necessarily from something we did to deserve it. But, wham! We get hit hard because of what somebody else does to us, often because their way of life is in opposition to ours. It becomes a tangled web, a path of carnage. People get caught in the middle and have profound effects on … [Read more...] about Overcome Evil With Good