If Christ were to run for political office today, would He be elected? Hypothetically, we could reason and say, “Well He is honest in all His dealings, He is a hard worker, He is willing to help anyone, He sets the standard for moral uprightness, etc.” What is there not to like? By today’s standards, there is plenty. Jesus Christ was not “politically correct” — not by today’s view. He, with His supernatural and spiritual understanding, said things that illuminated the truth, things that went … [Read more...] about The Danger of Political Correctness
Speak No Evil
Speaking evil of others is wrong! Don’t be judgmental! The book of James tells us so, end of story. But is there an important nuance to truly understand this seemingly straightforward instruction? “Do not speak evil of one another, brethren. He who speaks evil of a brother and judges his brother, speaks evil of the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is one Lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy. Who are you to judge … [Read more...] about Speak No Evil
Unity in the Church
What is Church unity and where does it come from? Having been drawn out of the world, as followers of Christ our position regarding unity is decidedly different than the common ideas about unity which surround us. There are two important aspects of unity of which we need to be mindful: our calling and our baptism. The Apostle Paul emphasized these factors when he wrote a letter to the Church in Ephesus. Paul’s message conveys, among other important teachings, the fact that God provides both … [Read more...] about Unity in the Church
Relationships within the Body of Christ
How important are relationships within the Body of Christ? This question is prompted by the state of affairs in what we broadly refer to as “the world.” The world is a generic term for planet earth and all life on it, including human civilization. We use it generally to address our environment. Currently, much press is devoted to the subject of the rise of nationalism. Remember how globalization once held out the carrot of the world coming together in one big homogenization of nations and … [Read more...] about Relationships within the Body of Christ
Instilling Trust in God’s Church
What percentage of Americans would you guess trust the government in Washington to do what is right at least most of the time? According to the Pew Research Center, it has been at about 17% during the previous administration and during this present one. That puts public trust of government at near historic lows. We don’t have to guess at what effect this cynicism has had on national unity because the distrust and animosity among the citizenry is almost palpable. The important thing to realize is … [Read more...] about Instilling Trust in God’s Church
Ways to Measure Spiritual Growth
As followers of God, we have chosen to grow in the knowledge and grace of Jesus Christ. There are two main ways for us to measure our spiritual growth – motivation and action. Motivation is the internal desire to grow, to change, to accept God’s perspectives and motivations in all aspects of our lives. Action is a literal external behavioral change - the evidence of that motivation. It is a change that can be perceived and observed in our daily lives. All motivation and actions are … [Read more...] about Ways to Measure Spiritual Growth
Misunderstood Authority?
The subject of authority is a difficult one because of the many negative applications we see around us. It’s primary association with power, clashes with the natural human desire for autonomy. In our present day, the subject of authority is often confused with authoritarianism and the abuse of power, which creates a negative perception. Authority is a vital ingredient for godly living, and it is therefore important for us to be clear minded about what it is and what it is not. … [Read more...] about Misunderstood Authority?