We can learn a lot from what God has designed in nature. Take the honeybee for instance. A close observation would reveal seemingly tireless workers. They routinely will carry dirty foreign matter out of the hive to keep their product clean and pure. Some of them faithfully take care of the one queen bee that is responsible for laying the eggs that will hatch and ensure the growth of the colony. Most of the bees spend their daylight hours flying as far as three miles in one direction to find … [Read more...] about A Positive Outlook
Pull Up Tent Pegs and Move Forward!
Ambiguity is one of our greatest challenges because, as a rule, we like structure, routine, and the ability to know whatâs coming next. When we find ourselves in ambiguous situations, our trusted reference points seem to move, and we become disoriented. We may even question the basic principles of truth, causing us to struggle with decision making and become paralyzed by inaction. Leonardo da Vinci put it this way, âIron rusts from disuse; water loses its purity from stagnation...even so does … [Read more...] about Pull Up Tent Pegs and Move Forward!
The Garden of Eden
Scholars have long scratched their heads trying to figure out the exact location of the garden God planted eastward in Eden. That it is a physical place is not in doubt. Out of the ground the Eternal made trees grow that were pleasing to the sight and good for food. The garden was watered by a river, which then parted into four rivers. It was into this physical setting that man was placed with the instructions to tend and keep the garden. It must have been a fabulous environment as everything … [Read more...] about The Garden of Eden
Psalm 133: The Dew of Hermon
Recently we discussed the concept of vertical unity. This is not a new or unique concept, but a way to picture the unity that flows from the Father, through His Son, and into the body. As each member of the body seeks to unify him or herself with God, that unity then allows the aligning of each member in relation to other members. As the Apostle John pointed out, âHe who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk just as He walkedâ (1 John 2:6). Unity is established vertically and is then … [Read more...] about Psalm 133: The Dew of Hermon
True or Rotten Miracles?
The âGreen Revolutionâ of the mid 1940s through the 1960s has long been touted as an âagricultural miracle.â It was then that researchers began genetically altering various grains such as corn, wheat, and rice. Additionally, the seedâs yield was maximized by using chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. The dramatic increase in production enabled importer nations to soon become exporters. This agricultural miracle would presumably save humanity from famine as its population … [Read more...] about True or Rotten Miracles?
God Controls the Weather
There would be general agreement that the weather patterns around the world are changing. The debate seems to center around the cause â is it man-made or is it a natural cyclical change taking place? It may be neither. Some fulfilled Bible prophecies might help us understand the incredible global weather patterns we currently observe. It is an important perspective for us to realize that God controls the weather. He made that fact abundantly clear in His discussions with Job. Weather has a … [Read more...] about God Controls the Weather
Developing a True Perspective
Perspective is a remarkable thing. It defines what an artist does when giving proper height, width, depth and position to various objects or scenes when viewed from a particular vantage point. The viewer sees the objects and scenes as if they would appear in nature - no distortions. What really makes perspective interesting, however, is that it has an obvious spiritual application as well. In a sense, it makes an artist of each of us. We each draw conclusions in our minds' eye regarding … [Read more...] about Developing a True Perspective