From the beginning, Satan’s desire has been to work contrary to God’s plan, deceiving the minds of those whom God desires to have a relationship with. This deception began in the Garden of Eden, where Satan planted the first seeds of doubt in Eve’s mind, leading her to question God's word: "Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, 'Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?' 2 And the woman … [Read more...] about The Great Deception: Satan Masquerades as an Angel of Light
Valentine’s Day
The observance of Valentine’s Day is recognized as sort of a joyous celebration of love and romance, an opportunity to make somebody that is special to you feel special. It’s sort of a very nice idea and it’s become, as many of the hallmark holidays, sort of a very widely accepted ubiquitous global tradition. Endorsed by Christianity, endorsed by commerce and certainly by schoolteachers, it’s one of those holidays that everyone seems to participate in and there is a lot of social pressure to be … [Read more...] about Valentine’s Day
When Leaders Are Lawbreakers
The world is a mess. It's a sentiment that I believe we could all readily agree with. There are reasons why the world is a mess and we need to be very clear about them. We are certainly experiencing a crisis of leadership. And there are ramifications when leaders are lawbreakers. They bring upon their nations self-inflicted destruction. I want to address the reality of what it means to have leaders who are lawbreakers and to reinforce a Christian’s responsibility to become leaders who are law … [Read more...] about When Leaders Are Lawbreakers