Many years ago, in the mid-1990s, while looking for a new church hall, I heard an interesting tale about a piano. There in South Florida, the retiree population loved to dance, so dance halls were plentiful to rent. At one location, the hall director was having trouble getting the stage arranged to his satisfaction. Specifically, the piano was in the wrong spot. When he tried to move it, the regular customers protested and demanded it be moved back. Frustrated, the director gave up. Some … [Read more...] about Stay Alert in Satan’s World
The Lying Epidemic
The position of being separated from God leaves a person very exposed to the forces of destruction. Through the prophet Isaiah, God states, “But your iniquities have separated you from your God…” (Isaiah 59:2). Sin and God simply do not mix. Not that God doesn’t give space for sin to be repented of – He does. But when sin is a way of life, certain characteristics develop as a result. One of the main destroying forces that quickly develops is lying. “… your lips have spoken lies … they trust … [Read more...] about The Lying Epidemic
Our True Citizenship
In the aftermath of an emotionally charged political election in the United States, it is a good time to reflect on the great truth God has shared with His people. God informs us that our citizenship is not of this earth. As future citizens of God’s Kingdom, we wait for Christ to return and establish that kingdom over all nations and people (Philippians 3:20-21). Our attention and focus are on Christ, the savior of mankind. During His ministry, Jesus Christ not only proclaimed the coming … [Read more...] about Our True Citizenship
Choose Life
As God prepared Israel for its occupation of the land of Canaan – the land He had promised them – He firmly reminded them of the centrality of His law to their existence. He told them that His commandments were near to them – in their hearts (Deuteronomy 30:11-14). God’s law set two clear and distinct ways of life before them. On the one hand was life and good, while on the other was death and evil. The law defined these two ways, so they were clearly discernable. The assault on God’s law … [Read more...] about Choose Life
Staying Within the Fortress
For someone living outside of Europe it can be exciting to travel to this center of history and culture in order to tour some of the locations which have figured prominently in the ongoing saga of the western world. One can visit architectural masterpieces such as the many and varied cathedrals found in most major cities on the continent, see feats of engineering in the roadworks and bridges coursing through the mountainous areas and marvel at the ingenuity and sheer drive of the builders of the … [Read more...] about Staying Within the Fortress
Honesty Begins with Self
In a recently released survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, people who claimed to have no religious affiliation were asked what it means to be a moral person. For this group, the top answer was honesty – to be honest at all times. Given the group involved, this is an interesting response. What do non-religious people mean by honesty? The bible informs us that when people are separated from God by iniquity the mind lacks this moral quality. “No one calls for justice. Nor does any plead … [Read more...] about Honesty Begins with Self
Do We Have an Immortal Soul?
Recently I read a statement made by a major religious denomination based in the United States that surprised me. They wrote, “Divine grace is needed by every soul in consequence of the Fall of Adam." What is meant by “soul” is not stated, but the belief in the “fall of Adam” is linked to the belief that man has an immortal soul. The “fall of Adam” is a widely held belief and without some thought it may seem a reasonable description of what happened in the Garden of Eden. First, we need to … [Read more...] about Do We Have an Immortal Soul?