How would you describe the Word of God, the Bible? History? Knowledge? Information of a spiritual nature? Is it Prophecy? Is it About Law? Is it Stories about keeping or not keeping the Law? Is it a jigsaw puzzle? God’s Word contains all of these elements, but as a whole what does it all mean? What is the substance of the Bible? In written form, it reads like a Love Story from beginning to end. It’s about the God family’s love for each other, for … [Read more...] about God’s Love Story
Marriage, a Safe Haven
God instituted marriage and the family for procreation to teach us about how He lives. He wants mankind to know what motivates Him, what His purpose is for mankind, and how His nature and character developed in human beings would give families peaceful relationships. If mankind functioned in marriage the way God intended, this world would be a vastly different place. The dysfunctional families that are increasingly the norm would seldom exist. However today we see the removal of any … [Read more...] about Marriage, a Safe Haven
Conditioning the Human Heart
The human heart is something we frequently discuss because there is so much we need to learn and to overcome about ourselves. The heart in this context is a term that simply means what is at the center of a person, who we are, what motivates us and what drives the conditions of our relationships with one another. The spirit in man was given to humans by God enabling them to think and reason and therefore have dominion over the rest of creation (Job 32:8). It also enables a human mind to hurt, … [Read more...] about Conditioning the Human Heart
The Necessity of Stress
The Biosphere II project was an innovative research tool for scientists to study earth’s living systems. It provided a controlled environment for scientists to experiment with farming and innovation without damaging the planet. One of the most surprising findings from the project was the role wind and rain played in the growth of trees. Scientists observed that trees inside the dome grew more rapidly than those outside. They also fell over before reaching … [Read more...] about The Necessity of Stress
Anxiety and Broken Relationships
As we delve more into God’s law and its ultimate purpose of restoring broken relationships, first with the Father and secondly man to man, we begin to see that all healthy relationships are based on love that begins with the Father (I John 4:16-19). Godly love (agape) is an outgoing concern away from self. The more we are motivated by a Godly love – God actively working through us – the less we are concerned about ourselves. When Godly love is absent then the void is filled with its … [Read more...] about Anxiety and Broken Relationships
Spiritual Energy
It is hard to believe, but only about four years ago did I find out that I am an introvert! I started my career in Australia working in the basement of a hospital running five computers. The exhaustion introverts experience in the presence of a crowd of chatty co-workers was unknown to me. That all changed when I moved to California to work in a cubicle among fifteen noisy, bubbly people. It was exhausting. I counseled about this issue, took a Myers-Briggs personality test, and confirmed that … [Read more...] about Spiritual Energy
Are You Listening?
How many times have we thought in our minds, “Why doesn’t God just tell me what to do?” If He’s not verbally communicating with us, how do we hear His voice? Sometimes God literally directs our physical path. “In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:6). When we ask for an answer from God it must be according to His principles. For God’s Spirit to work in us, we have to have the right attitude and live according to God’s way. Looking and listening for … [Read more...] about Are You Listening?