Most people on the planet prefer peace in relationships, in finances and from government interference. Fortunately, peace is especially important to God. From His perspective peace is closely connected to the concept of reconciliation. Something that God has always desired for humanity. God tells us that those who develop the qualities of "peacemaker" will be blessed (Matthew 5:9). Individually we may have little to no power to influence peace between nations; however, we can have power … [Read more...] about True Peace
The Master Potter
The Hebrew word for clay is ‘chomer’ which means as bubbling up. That is of water, a wave, of earth, mire, or clay, like cement or mortar. Moses wrote that God formed man out of the dust of the ground (Genesis 2.7) The Hebrew word for dust means clay, earth, mud, ashes, dust, ground, mortar, powder and, rubbish. Water is a factor since mud consists of water and clay. So even after God breathed life into Adam, he was and we are today, just living dirt and water. In Isaiah 64: 8 God … [Read more...] about The Master Potter
Sneaking Suspicion
It all started when Satan and his angelic followers allowed a sliver of suspicion to enter their minds. It ended in defiant rebellion against the family of God. Satan then planted the seed of suspicion that God was holding something back from Adam and Eve, leading them into disobedience. Cain became suspicious that God preferred Abel’s offering. His anger precipitated murder. Suspicion is a primal fear that someone will take what we think should be ours. And suspicious mistrust has challenged … [Read more...] about Sneaking Suspicion
Fulfillment of the Law
Most Christians believe that Jesus Christ kept the laws of the Old Testament fully and that the law, therefore, was completed or accomplished — and done away. But is this really what the Bible teaches? You can find plenty of theological explanations that point out that Jesus Himself said that He came to fulfill the law and the prophets and that many of His actions were done purposely in order to do so. Often cited examples from the book of Zechariah includes Christ riding up to Jerusalem on a … [Read more...] about Fulfillment of the Law
Conflict Resolution
We can’t get around the fact that in this world we’ll have conflict. How many times have we said the wrong thing or displayed the wrong attitude, knowing that it has caused offense? Conflict stems from a lack of understanding the different things that motivate each of us: “What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you?” (James 4:1 ESV). God’s Holy Spirit can’t come to its fullest when we’re divided, and that disunity corrupts … [Read more...] about Conflict Resolution
A Coin of Hope
In 2018, 70.8 million people were displaced by conflicts and violence worldwide, according to the UN Refugee Agency, up from a record 38 million in 2014. Despair has driven many to risk dangerous and life-threatening journeys just to find some type of relief. This is Satan’s world, and he is the author of confusion, depression, and negativity. But our Creator, the One True God, is positive! Depression is like a two-sided coin, so let’s flip it over and look at the other side, the coin of … [Read more...] about A Coin of Hope
Getting Out of the Mess We’re In
There is one thing we have in common with everyone else. And it’s not just something we have in common with people who are just like us or our friends, but it’s something we have in common with people we don’t even know—with people very much unlike us. Make no mistake; we all have a mess in our lives. And even if you’re lucky enough to be between messes right now, you’re still just a decision away from creating a brand-new mess. We are all good at hiding our messes. In fact, we usually are … [Read more...] about Getting Out of the Mess We’re In