Our lives consist of and are measured by pivotal events and experiences that change our direction and our behavior. They can change our outlook on life. i Throughout history God has placed pivotal events upon humanity to shake us from the paradigms which allow us to justify our behavior, to define for ourselves what is good and evil. Some have developed a form of godliness but, whether knowingly or unknowingly, deny the power and purpose of God as their Creator and Sustainer. The Bible … [Read more...] about The Prophetic Return of Christ
Why Israel?
If ideas about Israel are discussed within a non-church environment, it could be quite uncomfortable because many of those ideas can point to some concepts contained in British-Israelism which are widely considered to be racist. British Israelism is a belief that asserts the people of Great Britain are the descendants of ancient Israel. When asked if British-Israelism is racist, ChatGPT, an AI language model for generating human language, responded: “Yes, British-Israelism can be … [Read more...] about Why Israel?
Ideological Subversion
In an interview dating back 38 years, defected KGB spy, Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov, made a very sobering prediction about the United States. He warned that America could be defeated through an incremental process of ideological subversion. He defined it this way: “What it basically means is: to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, … [Read more...] about Ideological Subversion
The Jungle Grows Back
A book titled The Jungle Grows Back is an indicator of prophetic advancement, and can be used as an analogy for our own personal spiritual lives. These are my words, not the author’s, as I draw the analogy. The jungle represents the Babylonian system of human government; a system developed post-flood and is the underlying system throughout the four world-ruling kingdoms as revealed by the image of Daniel 2. From the reign of Nebuchadnezzar to the kingdoms existing at the return of Jesus … [Read more...] about The Jungle Grows Back
The Power of a Common Enemy
In February 2022, China and Russia unveiled a plan for a new world order. A Washington Examiner article stated in October 2023, that “China and Russia have outlined a vision of international relations anchored in their potential to reinforce each other in disputes with the United States and its allies while cooperating on an array of economic and diplomatic fronts.” Moscow and Beijing could now develop into an integrated challenge to American power. The entire situation with Ukraine began … [Read more...] about The Power of a Common Enemy
It’s a Dark World
We can each provide a personal perspective of the world and current events. We form opinions each day as we try to take in the vast scale of all that is happening. Whatever your view, it is most probably influenced by a dark world. King David has an interesting insight into the working of an unconverted mind. It seems he was inspired to write about man’s wickedness as though he were seeing our day today: "Transgression (lawlessness) speaks to the wicked deep in his heart; there is no fear … [Read more...] about It’s a Dark World
An End Time Indicator
In Matthew 24:12, the context of a statement by Christ is the time indicating Christ’s coming and the end of the age. There are two points that immediately stand out with this statement. First, we can know as a fact that lawlessness will increase. Second, love will grow cold as a result. We can easily acknowledge the first by observation of the world around us. That lawlessness is increasing is an absolute fact. Lawlessness is defined as, “illegality, that is, violation of law or … [Read more...] about An End Time Indicator