Artificial Intelligence is advancing at an exponential pace. AI’s processing power and programming algorithms are advancing incredibly rapidly and largely out of the sight of the general population. The limitations of power intensive hardware are being solved faster than alternative power sources can be developed.
And AI is exhausting the supply of internet text used by programmers to teach it and is now training itself. In some functions, it is already better than human beings, and soon it will excel human beings in every academic, rational discipline. What do you call an intelligence that is a billion times smarter than a human, with millisecond-speed capacity to process the sum-total of knowledge?
Under Satan’s influence, man has always tried to find ways to remove the true God from their consciences and replace Him with other gods. AI appears to be a tool man can use to do that on a large scale. A god fashioned by man’s own mind.
Would you seek its advice? Would you trust what it told you? In the face of a complex and uncertain environment, would you derive a sense of peace from the opportunity to interact with that level of wisdom?
It’s very possible that such intelligence would inspire faith. People might even develop interactive ceremonies around it. Build places to go to experience it. Even worship it.
Is AI developing into something a powerful world dominating empire could use to bring people under its domination and control? We need to keep in mind who is behind the rise and domination of the beast power. “The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority” (Revelation 13:2).
We might want to be mindful of the motives of AI development, and those of the humans who, (at least initially), control it. Are their intentions benevolent? What being, when put in a position of power, has ever really put the good of others ahead of his or her own? Look at the lessons of history. Mankind has never invented any new kind of weapon yet they didn’t put to use.
Haylel, as the glorious cherub covering the throne of God, was seduced to corruption by his own beauty, trade and power. As Satan he became the nemesis of God’s creation, seeking to dominate and destroy it.
We can contrast Christ’s creation of the universe for the sake of bringing more beings to the same glorified state. He willingly gave up His godhead and died that we might also have it.
Unfortunately, Satan is still the god of this world. We are in the calm before the storm.
In line with this, you may find the following article of some interest.
Brian Orchard