How should we respond to the politics that invade our daily lives in the news, workplace, school and from so many social media platforms? According to Wikipedia which often conveys modern thought regarding a subject: “Politics (from the Greek word, politiká, meaning 'affairs of the cities') is the set of activities that are associated with making decisions in groups, or other forms of power relations between individuals, such as the distribution of resources." This is a well-thought-out … [Read more...] about Politics During Jesus’ Time
Kingdom of God
Why Israel?
If ideas about Israel are discussed within a non-church environment, it could be quite uncomfortable because many of those ideas can point to some concepts contained in British-Israelism which are widely considered to be racist. British Israelism is a belief that asserts the people of Great Britain are the descendants of ancient Israel. When asked if British-Israelism is racist, ChatGPT, an AI language model for generating human language, responded: “Yes, British-Israelism can be … [Read more...] about Why Israel?
Russia, Crimea, & Ukraine
When we live in peace and safety with time to dwell on our actions and how we live, ironically, this peace can be a source of danger if it decreases our alertness. For this reason, we are admonished to be watchful: “Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming,” (Matthew 24:42 ESV). In February and March 2014, the world was watching as Russia began to invade the region of Crimea, previously connected to Ukraine. This historic case study enlightens us to how … [Read more...] about Russia, Crimea, & Ukraine
Peace, Peace but There is No Peace
Peace is something that we all desire, seek and want. During the Christmas season, one of the tag lines of the holiday is “let there be peace on earth.” But regardless of how hard the governments of man and individuals work for peace -- it is elusive. Why is that? One of the reasons peace is so elusive is the way power is used and where it is focused. In general, there are two approaches to the use of power. One use of power leads to strife, conflict, and war while the other leads to peace. … [Read more...] about Peace, Peace but There is No Peace
The Gospel: God’s Plan for Humanity
At a time when the world is experiencing so much anger, chaos, lawlessness, frustration and such a bleak future, God's overarching plan for humanity is more vital and critical for us to understand and apply individually than ever before. The Gospel is a message of hope and encouragement that highlights God’s love and mercy for everything He has created. It emphasizes His desire for the creation, the earth and all its inhabitants to dwell in peace and harmony with Him. It also highlights … [Read more...] about The Gospel: God’s Plan for Humanity
Unequitable Trading
Coronavirus fears caused global panic. The financial institutions, speculative markets, manufacturing, retail outlets, travel, supply chains — pretty much anything that is the basis of our modern economy and trading infrastructure were affected. It can’t help but remind us of the volatility and complexities of this world’s forms of trade. Trade is such a foundational part of how any society operates and, by extension, how each of us operates. Whether we like it or not, nearly … [Read more...] about Unequitable Trading
The Power of a Common Enemy
In February 2022, China and Russia unveiled a plan for a new world order. A Washington Examiner article stated in October 2023, that “China and Russia have outlined a vision of international relations anchored in their potential to reinforce each other in disputes with the United States and its allies while cooperating on an array of economic and diplomatic fronts.” Moscow and Beijing could now develop into an integrated challenge to American power. The entire situation with Ukraine began … [Read more...] about The Power of a Common Enemy